(Publication: VPUBLIC 萬象國 issue 20130410, Patrick Lee, 13x19 inches matte paper, archival inkjet, 2013)
In 2013, we published a periodical called VPUBLIC (萬象國), each issue measuring 13 x 19 inches and printed on a single sheet of paper, resembling a small poster. It was meticulously produced with inkjet printing to create an alternative collectible edition. The issue shown here features work by Patrick Lee, who was holding an exhibition at our gallery at the time. VPUBLIC primarily showcased works by Holly and me, but it also included pieces by other artists exhibiting at our gallery, such as Tomio Nitto and Fiona Smyth.
A selection from my MOBILE POETRY LAB series was published in this poster-zine, with some issues displayed in my solo show at Z Gallery in Hong Kong. VPUBLIC ran for just over ten issues, with a very limited print run.
2013年間我們出版過一份刊物「萬象國」(VPUBLIC),13乘19吋,每期一張紙,猶如一張小幅的海報,以噴墨精緻打印,目的是建立一種另類的收藏本。這裡刊出的其中一期,是李志芳作品,當時他在我們的畫廊正著舉行著一個展覽。這個刊的出版物,其實是主要是刊載我和楚喬的作品,同時,也相關地,發刊了一些當時正在我們畫廊展出的其他藝術家。包括: Tomio Nitto, Fiona Smyth 等。在「萬象國」也曾有系統地刊載過我的「游動詩寫室」系列,部份曾經在香港「私畫廊」,我的個展期間展出過。「萬象國」只是出版十多期,而且流通量極少。