On Circular Objects in the Tú Huā Yuán Jì Series (Pictorial Journey to the Origin of Flowers)
Around 2010, I created a series called Tú Huā Yuán Jì. For each piece, I selected a photograph I had previously taken and paired it with a short passage of newly written text, thereby establishing a relationship between the two. I referred to this approach as "the study of image-text relationships." This series later inspired my subsequent work, Z FICTION.
One piece in Tú Huā Yuán Jì focuses on circular objects and can be seen as a small guide to understanding my journey with circular motifs:
"I became fascinated with Duchamp in the 1980s after purchasing a set of replicas of his works, titled Rotoreliefs (1935), at the Museum of Modern Art's gift shop in New York. In his various works, I later found validations of spinning objects. My subsequent reflections on cycles, theories of endlessness, and similar concepts are, after all, extensions of these reproductions in essence, somehow.”
大約2010年間,我做過一組作品「圖花源記」。選取一張事先已拍好的照片,然後寫一小段文字,因而令兩者產生關係。我稱此為圖文關係學。也是因為這組作品,引申到後來創作的 Z FICTION。圖花源記其中有一篇是關於圓形物的,可以說是理解我的圓形物旅程,一個小小助讀:「開始迷上杜象是八十年代有一回在紐約現代美術館小賣部買了他的一組(六張)題目叫Rotoreliefs(1935)的複製品。之後,在他的不同作品裡找到了旋轉物的印證。至於後來我所思考的環迴使用,無終極論等等,都不外是這些複製物的引伸而已。」