Holly Lee’s widely recognized series Pictures of Friends, Artists, and Others includes a self-portrait. Recently, we unearthed a Polaroid test shot of this self-portrait in our archives, taken on June 25, 1986. Within the negative storage box for this series, there are also two 4x5 black-and-white negatives, but they have never been printed—not even as contact prints.
- (About Thousand Objects 關於千物誌)
- (Holly Lee)
- (Lee Ka-sing)
- [1956]
- [1980]
- [1981]
- [1985]
- [1986]
- [1987]
- [1989]
- [1990]
- [1992]
- [1993]
- [1994]
- [1995]
- [1996]
- [1997]
- [1998]
- [1999]
- [2002]
- [2003]
- [2009]
- [2012]
- [2013]
- [2024]
- 0001PU2L VPUBLIC 萬象國
- 0002PU2LK Tomio Nitto 日(sun) 塔(pagoda) 富(wealth) 夫(man)
- 0004PU2LH Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas)「山海經」系列
- 0005PU2LK In Memory of Leung Ping Kwan 念也斯
- 0006CP2SH "Holly Wong’s Focus on Women Is Tops"
- 0007PH2SK "New Images from Hong Kong" 「香港變奏 - 香港寫真之現在」
- 0008CP2MK Lee Ka-sing by Christopher Doyle SPUR MEN
- 0009CP2MK Christopher Doyle by Lee Ka-sing SPUR MEN
- 0010PH2SKH A Better Tomorrow 英雄本色
- 0011PH2SH A Better Tomorrow 英雄本色
- 0012PL2SK Chang Chao-tang and Antonio Mak 張照堂與麥顯揚
- 0013PL2SH Holly Lee self-portrait 黄楚喬自拍像
- 0014PL2SKH Ka-sing and Holly 家昇與楚喬
- 0015PL2SH Michael Hui 許冠文
- 0016PH2MH Xin-Di and Leung Ping Kwan 辛笛與也斯
- 0017PU2M Palm Anthology 手掌集
- 0018PL2SK A portrait of David Tang 鄧永鏘肖像
- 0019PU2MK I gather the sorrow of darkness into the pages of a book 我想把黑色的哀傷都收納在一枚冊本裡
- 0020PW2LK Lee Ka-sing’s Self-Portrait
- 0021PH2SK Childhood Lee Ka-sing holding a circular object
- 0022PH2MK On Circular Objects in the Tú Huā Yuán Jì Series (Pictorial Journey to the Origin of Flowers)
- 0023PR2LK Four Stanzas of a Poem
- 0024PM2LK From Recycled Paper to a Text About the Concept of Cycle
- 0025OB2MK Ship Indicator Panel
- 0026PH2MK Duchamp’s Rotative Object
- 0027PH2SH Hengxin Shaolin Shifu
- 0028CP2MH. A Portrait of Ka-sing by Holly for an Advertising Client 楚喬為廣告客戶拍的家昇肖像
- 0029PL2SH. A Portrait of Lee Ka-sing as a Creator 李家昇肖像作為一個創作工作者
- 0030PL2SH. A Portrait of Lee Ka-sing as a Gallerist 李家昇肖像作為一個畫廊策劃人
- 0031PL2SK. Mak Hin-yeung in Qiu Ying 麥顯揚在秋螢
- 0032PL2SK Qiu Ying Poetry Journa Issue 30 秋螢詩刊第30期
- 0033PC2SK. A Postcard Sent to Holly from Xinjiang
- 0034PL2SK. A Polaroid Postcard from New York to Hong Kong
- 0035PL2SK. A Polaroid for Holly in New York
- 0036PL2SK. The Busy Workload Before Departing
- 0037PH2SH. A Letter to Mom
- 0038PL2SK. A Trip to Beijing
- 0039PC2S. D+W Configuration
- 0040PC2S. “November 6 1998 – Welcome to Japan! – Eikoh Hosoe” 「1998年11月6日 日本歡迎你!細江英公」
- 0041PC2S. The Arrangement of Nobuyoshi Araki’s Exhibition 安排荒木經惟的展覽
- 0042PC2SH. Holly’s Handwritten Copy of Xin Di’s Poem 楚喬手書辛笛詩
- 0043PC2SK. Al Dente: Chewable Images 適口耐嚼的影像
- 0044PC2SK. A Relationship Like Wool 仿如羊毛的關係
- 0045PL2SH. A Relationship Like Wool (Part II) 仿如羊毛的關係 (之二)
- 0046PL2SK Twenty Three Empty Chairs 23張空椅子
- 0047PC2SK. Hong Kong Artist of the Year Award 1989
- 0048PH2S. David Clarke Photographed Ka-sing and Holly at The Half King
- 0049PH2S. Seeing Cindy Sherman at Metro Pictures in New York
- 0050PH2S. A Souvenir Photo from the George Eastman Museum