0047PC2SK. Hong Kong Artist of the Year Award 1989 香港藝術家年獎



Hong Kong Artist of the Year Award 1989

(POSTCARD,  4x6 inch, 2-colour offset, written in 1989)

Flipping through postcards from late 1989, I was reminded that this was the period when I received the Hong Kong Artist of the Year Award for photography. This particular postcard, dated November 1, 1989—exactly one month before my departure for New York—bears a newspaper clipping from the Hong Kong Economic Journal listing that year’s recipients. Among them were familiar names such as Lam Min-yee, Alan Chan, and Anita Mui.

Since I had already planned to leave Hong Kong, I couldn’t attend the award ceremony. However, a television crew filmed an interview before my departure, and a few media outlets reached out for coverage. It was an already hectic time, made even busier by these unexpected engagements. I hadn’t realized then that my nomination came from Kan Tai-keung, and not having the chance to thank him in person remains a regret.

The following year, the photography award went to Christopher Doyle. I wasn’t his nominator, but I was one of the judges.

The front of this postcard features Moon Sun and Myths, a photograph by Holly from her Owltoise series, created in 1985. The series captured objects belonging to our daughter, Iris, and was exhibited at the Photo Centre in Hong Kong that same year.


翻看在89年底的明信片,察覺我獲取「香港藝術家年獎」攝影師獎就是在那個時段。這一張明信片寫於89年11月1日,距離起程往紐約是一個月前的事。在明信片字行我貼了一則信報發刊該年獲獎名單的新聞剪報。同年獲獎也包括熟悉的林敏怡,陳有堅,梅艷芳等人。由於我安排了遠行,不能參加頒獎典禮,不過電視台也在我起行之前,來影室拍了錄像。也有一些傳媒來作訪問。在那些繁忙的日子,更加了一點負荷。那些風華正茂的日子,也是年少不懂事,雖然我是不太在乎獲獎,但獎項是有提名的。後來才得知我的獎是由靳棣強先生所提名,沒有親身致謝,也為憾事。香港藝術家年獎也如毛先生所說「數風流人物還看今朝」,我獲獎翌年,攝影師獎項由杜可風獲得,我不是提名人,但卻是評判人之一。這張明信片的正面是楚喬的攝影「月亮太陽一些傳說」。是她1985年作品「烏頭貓」系列的其中一張。她在這個系列,拍攝女兒思菱的零碎物件,是組作品,1985年6月在香港的Photo Center展出。
