0038PL2SK. A Trip to Beijing 北京之旅



0038PL2SK. A Trip to Beijing

(POLAROID,  4x5 inch, colour, 1992)

At the end of 1992, I was commissioned by a production company to join a team traveling to Beijing for a photography project. My assignment required using a large-format camera to capture images of popular landmarks, intended for special effects production. I suspect the project was government-commissioned, as the Deputy Mayor of Beijing personally hosted us. At the time, many high-quality productions still relied on external expertise.

I stayed in Beijing for only four days, departing as soon as my work was done. The postcard I sent to Holly was a Polaroid from the shoot—a photo of the Temple of Heaven. There was nothing particularly remarkable about the image, nor could there be. However, the trip itself was well-organized, including a specially arranged tour of the Forbidden City and a banquet featuring imperial-style cuisine.
Holly and I had visited Beijing before, but a decade later, the city had changed significantly—let alone what it has become today. The highlight of the trip, however, was acquiring several substantial books. In my postcard, I mentioned purchasing a thread-bound edition of 營造法式 by Li Mingzhong. Later, I also bought 點石齋畫報 the complete volume in thread-bound editions, 中國版刻圖錄, and 十竹齋書畫譜, among others.


