0044PC2SK. A Relationship Like Wool 仿如羊毛的關係



0044PC2SK. A Relationship Like Wool
(POSTCARD,  4x6 inch, black and white offset print, 1997)

If you are a photographer with a strong artistic vision—one whose abilities extend beyond simply following a layout—you will often be invited to participate in promotional projects that are more conceptual in nature and allow for immense creative freedom. These projects are typically unpaid or come with only a modest production fee, sometimes compensated with a luxury product from the client, such as a camera or a high-end watch.

The benefits of such collaborations are intangible and unpredictable—you might create a widely celebrated piece of work, or you might walk away with nothing. Among these collaborations, one particularly rewarding case was a Fujifilm camera I received, which I continued to use daily for over a decade. I believe both sides gained fully from that exchange. In contrast, the Tag Heuer watch I was given remained tucked away, as I was never one to wear a watch. Yet, the image I created for them became my computer desktop wallpaper for over twenty years— good enough for standing the test of time.

In 1997, WOOLMARK organized a similar exhibition, inviting fashion designers and photographers to collaborate. Each team consisted of one designer and one photographer; my partner was designer Benjaminn Lau. I was required to submit one photograph from my own perspective, along with another interpreting Lau’s designs. The exhibition featured large-format prints, approximately 30×40 inches, with sponsorship already secured for the enlargements.

Additionally, a series of promotional postcards was produced. The one shown here is my vision of Lau’s design, titled BL in Cyberspace, 97.


假若你是有主觀能力的攝影師,而能力又不只是局限於依草圖辦事,你常有機會被邀請到,參與一些作為宣傳用途,既軟性,而又自由度極高的個案。通常這些個案都是不付費,或提供小小創作物料費用,又或者送你一件客戶的名貴產品,如照相機,名錶等。這些合作關係,互相的裨益又是極之無形,而又不設上限,你也許因此機會而創作了一件令人傳誦的作品, 如果你無特別表現,也許一無所獲。在此關係架構合作的眾多個案,富士送我的照相機,十多年來依然每天使用,大概雙方的裨益都發揮到了極致。Tag Heuer 送我的名錶,由於我不是愛戴錶之人,只是藏之高閣。反而替他們所創作的照片,20多年都是我的電腦屏幕背景圖。可見也經得起時間考驗。1997年,WOOLMARK辦了一個類似的展覽,邀請時裝設計師及攝影師參與。設計師與攝影師二人為一組,與我一組的是設計師Benjaminn Lau。我要提供一張自我發揮的照片,另外要做一張根據設計師提供服飾而拍攝的照片。大會展出的照片好像是30x40 吋,他們已有放大照片的贊助。此外又印了明信片作宣傳,這裏選刊的,是我拍Lau服裝作品的一幀。我的題目是「BL in Cyberspace, 97」。
