0004PU2LH Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas)「山海經」系列

  (Publication: VPUBLIC 萬象國 issue 20130416, 13x19 inches matte paper, archival inkjet, 2013)

In 2013, Holly collaborated with Fiona Smyth on a dual exhibition exploring the theme of Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas). The publication VPUBLIC released two issues (20130309/ 20130312), each featuring works by both artists. Holly’s Shan Hai Jing series comprises 25 photographs taken over time. Eight of these were exhibited in the aforementioned show, displayed on tabletops. The photographs were presented upright, allowing viewers to observe them from both sides. Each pair of identical photographs, measuring 21.5 x 8 inches horizontally, was mounted back-to-back, pressed on both sides by two pieces of thick glass. The base was crafted from oak and aluminum.

2013年,楚喬與Fiona Smyth共同做了一個雙人展,探討「山海經」的主題。「萬象國」出版了兩期(20130309/ 20130312),分別刊載兩人的作品。楚喬的「山海經」系列,前後拍攝了共25張照片,在上面提到的展覽,展出了八張,都是座枱式擺放。照片直立展示,可前後觀看。兩張相同的照片,各21.5 乘8 吋橫度,背靠背,前後均有一枚厚手玻璃壓著,底座以橡木及鋁片構成。
