0007PH2SK "New Images from Hong Kong" 「香港變奏 - 香港寫真之現在」


(May 1996) On the left is Patrick Lee, and on the right is Kotaro Iizawa. I am in the center, holding a CONTAX Tvs. 1996 in Yokohama, "New Images from Hong Kong", an exhibition curated by Kotaro Iizawa. Participating photographers included Karl Chiu, Almond Chu, Alfred Ko, Holly Lee, Lee Ka-sing, Patrick Lee, Yvonne Lo, and Ducky Tse. (May 31 to July 14, 1996, Tower Gallery, Yokohama, Japan) (dot-hong-kong footnotes, Lee Ka-sing, 2011).
左是李志芳,右是飯澤耕太郎。我於正中,手持CONTAX Tvs。1996年5月,橫濱。飯澤耕太郎策劃 「香港變奏 - 香港寫真之現在」。參展攝影師包括:趙嘉榮,朱德華,高志強,黃楚喬,李家昇,李志芳,廬婉雯,謝至德。(1996年5月31日至7月14日,TOWER GALLERY,日本橫濱) (李家昇香港點註腳集筆記, 2011)
