(Newspaper clipping from Nigel Cameron's art review column in the South China Morning Post, May 27, 1981)
Holly Wong’s renowned series “Pictures of Friends, Artists and Others” actually originated from a group exhibition held in 1981. When the newly opened World-Wide Plaza in Hong Kong hosted a joint exhibition titled Women of the World, ten photographers were invited to participate. This marked the beginning of Holly’s noted series. Her portraits included editor Chiang Yun, film director Ann Hui, performing artist Fan Guk Fa, poet Chung Ling-ling, and others. Later that same year, in June, she added portraits of Leung Kui Ting, Mak Siu Tong, Antonio Mak Hin Yeung, and others for a duo solo exhibition with Lee Ka Sing titled CAMERAWORKS, HOLLY & WINGO at the Hong Kong Arts Centre, bringing the total number of portraits to 23. In the World-Wide Plaza exhibition, participating photographers included Joseph Fung, Leong Ka Tai as well, and six other Western photographers who were active in Hong Kong at the time. The title of Nigel’s article seems to capture a double meaning in his review of the show. Lee and Wong were married in May of that year, with Holly initially using her maiden name for public appearances and gradually adopting the name “Holly Lee” after their marriage.
“Holly Wong’s focus on women is tops”
(剪報藏本,南華早報1981年5月27日,Nigel Cameron藝評專欄) 今天多為人知的黃楚喬「Pictures of Friends, Artists and Others」系列照片,拍攝原是起源於1981年的一個展覽。當時香港中區的環球商塲剛開幕,𨘋請了十位攝影師做一個聯合展覽,題目是:“Women of the World”。黃楚喬該系列照片便是從這裡開始,她拍了蔣芸,許鞍華,粉菊花,鍾玲玲等多人。後來在同年6月,在香港藝術中心的李家昇黃楚喬雙人個展,她又增拍了梁巨廷,麥兆棠,麥顯揚等。合共23張照片。之前在環球商場的展覽,10個參展攝影師,也包括馮漢杞,梁家泰等,其他六人為外藉。Nigel該評論文章之標題也可說是一語相關。李黃於該年5月結婚,之前的對外活動,楚喬均沿用舊姓。婚後逐漸開始使用Holly Lee為稱號。