A Portrait of Ka-sing by Holly for an Advertising Client (1998)
(CLIPPING: Time magazine, 405mm x 268mm, November 16, 1998)
There’s a small story that could be added to Holly’s portrait sessions of me. Not long after we moved to Toronto in 1998, a renowned design firm from Hong Kong sent me an email. They were developing an advertising campaign for NOKIA phones to be featured in the Asian edition of Time magazine. The campaign focused on four creative individuals active in Asia, presented in an advertorial format—a soft marketing approach blending advertising and editorial content.
A writer from New York conducted an interview with me and wrote the ad copy. For Holly, this was her first assignment after relocating to Canada—she was tasked with taking my portrait.
When the ad was published, my portrait was partially framed within a computer screen, and my gaze was digitally altered. What’s even more ironic is that I’ve never had a habit of using a mobile phone—and still don’t to this day.
關於楚喬拍攝我的肖像還可以附寫一章。1998年我們移居到多倫多沒久,一間香港著名的設計公司發來電郵,他們正為NOKIA電話策劃一個廣告計劃,刊登在亞洲版的時代雜誌。一項以四個在亞洲活躍的創作人為主題,使用Advertorial 的形式(即廣告與刊物內容混合的一項軟性宣傳模式)。一位從紐約過來的人,負責訪問撰寫廣告文稿;楚喬來加之後的第一件工作差事,她負責拍攝我的肖像。照片刊出後,設計公司把我的肖像,半個套入電腦屏幕,而且,又把我的眼神部分數碼起來。不過,更吊詭的是:我是一個完全不用手提電話的人,現在也是如此。