0041PC2S. The Arrangement of Nobuyoshi Araki’s Exhibition
(POSTCARD, 4x6 inch, 2-colour offset printing, written in 1999)
This postcard was written in Tokyo on a June night in 1999, just before my departure. I could only mail it after landing in Hong Kong. It captures a moment from those days when I frequently traveled from Toronto to Hong Kong, often stopping in Tokyo for a few days. The postcard records meetings with friends—on that morning, I visited Mole Bookstore Gallery, and in the afternoon, I met Shinzo Shimao and his wife in Gotokuji.
These postcards, exchanged with Holly, often contained key details documenting related events. For instance, the day before, I had attended the opening of Araki’s exhibition, where we finalized the dates and selected works for his upcoming show in Toronto. He agreed to my suggestion of exhibiting his Erotos series. We also confirmed plans for his Hong Kong exhibition. If I recall correctly, Mio Hani served as my translator on that occasion and agreed to discuss sponsorship arrangements with Dentsu Advertising to bring Araki to Hong Kong.
I wrote the message on a text-heavy, printed design postcard, making my handwriting difficult to decipher. The card itself was from an exhibition at the Kawasaki City Museum.
這張明信片,1999年6月寫於東京,離開前的晚上。抵達香港才寄出。也即是96年我從多倫多回港,中途停東京,逗留若干天。明信片記錄了與一些朋友會晤,例如當天上午去Mole書店畫廊探朋友,下午往豪德寺訪島尾伸三夫婦。在這些與楚喬通訊的明信片,有時也可找出一些相關事件的重要條目。例如這張明信片也記下,前一天荒木的展覽開幕,在場中與他議定好來多倫多展覽的日期及選定展品方向。他同意我建議展出他的Erotos系列。此外,當時還議定好在香港的展覽,記憶中,那一回是羽仁未央(Mio Hani)替我充當翻譯。羽仁並答應可以與電通廣告公司相討贊助荒木來港展覽的事宜。這張明信片,密密麻麻的寫在一張本來就密密麻麻印滿文字的紙上。明信片來自川崎市美術館當時的一個展覽。