0042PC2SH. Holly’s Handwritten Copy of Xin Di’s Poem 楚喬手書辛笛詩



0042PC2SH. Holly’s Handwritten Copy of Xin Di’s Poem

(POSTCARD,  4x6 inch, 4-colour off-set printing, written in 1986)

We loved postcards. For that reason, when we were publishing Qiu Ying Shi Kan 秋螢, we even created blank cards specifically for writing. This particular card features a small photograph printed in the lower right corner, reminiscent of traditional Chinese letter paper. The photograph, Sunlight in the Studio, is one of Holly’s works. For a time, we experimented with imitating sunlight in the studio, applying this lighting technique to still life and portrait photography.

When Xin Di sent his poem manuscript to Qiu Ying, Holly copied it onto another sheet before sending it for typesetting, ensuring that his original handwriting wouldn’t be smudged. This was before the era of email and desktop publishing. The red markings indicating spaces between the text were added by the publication designer, Li Kam Fai.

All three of these dear individuals have passed, yet each has left their mark on this postcard in different ways. We have preserved Xin Di’s handwritten manuscript—and now, Holly’s added to the archive.


